Standing Rules

Adopted June 2022

Article 1 – Policies

1.1 Dues: $25 per year. After January, new member dues shall be $15.

1.2 Membership Renewal: Members are encouraged to renew by the June annual meeting. July 31 is the deadline to be included in the Programs & Members Directory.

1.3 Fundraiser: The Club shall raise funds for the purpose of supporting programs and/or organizations that address the welfare of the community.

1.4 Annual Club Donation: the membership shall vote on where Club funds will be directed.

1.5 Tea Donations: The tea chair or lead hostess shall place “Donations” bowl on tea table. The money shall be turned over to the treasurer or tea chair for deposit.

1.6 Amendment: Any member may suggest changes to the Standing Rules and such proposals shall be presented to the Board. Changes require a majority Board vote.

1.7 Committee Records: Notebooks, records, folders, and the like shall be turned over to new committee chairs at the June annual meeting. A board member shall be designated to gather records from outgoing chairs not present at the annual meeting.

Article 2 – Standing Committees

2.1 The standing committees shall be: Membership, Program, Tea, Hospitality, and Networking. Chairs are designated by nominating chair and approved by board.

2.2 The chair of each standing committee shall:

a) Attend all meetings of their committee;

b) Attend all board meetings and submit a monthly report of their committee; and

c) At the end of their term, meet with the incoming chair to discuss their responsibilities.

Article 3 – Duties of Standing Committee Chairs

3.1 Committee chairs shall serve for one year and may be re-elected at the discretion of the Board and of the members.

3.2 The Membership Chair shall:

a) Assemble a committee to plan and implement efforts to increase Club membership and welcome new members;

b) Collect information regarding the status of members, such as illness, death, change of address, etc., and inform the president;

c) Receive and retain all new member forms, and share new member contact information with the networking chair, and editor of the membership directory;

d) Deposit dues received and inform the treasurer;

e) Provide new members with a copy of the membership directory;

f) Ensure that new member forms and upcoming program sheets (from networking chair) are available at each meeting;

g) Send renewal information to membership before the June meeting; and

h) Keep one of two Club mailbox keys.

3.3 The Program Chair shall:

a) Assemble a committee to plan and implement programs reflecting Club mission for following year;

b) Ensure that the organizer for each program contacts the speaker to ascertain equipment and other needs, two weeks prior to their program;

c) Send program line-up and other pertinent information to the president by May 1st for approval at May board meeting; and

d) Send the final list of programs to the editor of the programs and membership directory by June 1st.

3.4 The Tea Chair shall:

a) Schedule tea hostesses for programs, ensuring a program organizer is not assigned hostess duties at same meeting;

b) Work with the tea set-up person to ensure that food served complies with the requirements of the meeting venue and that supplies are adequate.

c) Provide two weeks’ advance notice and instructions of tea duties to the lead hostess each month;

d) Advise hostesses they are responsible for finding a substitute if they are unable to serve and for letting the tea chair and the lead hostess know who that will be;

e) Provide help when needed during tea preparation, serving, and cleanup;

f) Collect donations from the tea table and deliver cash to treasurer for deposit.

3.5 The Hospitality Chair shall:

a) Greet members and guests at meetings, provide name tags and retrieve nametags at end of meeting, and invite a member to assist;

b) Invite guests to sign Club guestbook;

c) Make note of members attending Club meetings;

d) Ensure New Member forms and upcoming program sheets are available at each meeting; and

e) Keep nametags up-to-date and organized.

3.6 The Networking Chair shall:

a) Remind members one week before Club meetings, and contact members without email by phone;

b) Email member news, as directed by the president, and new member contact info to all members;

c) Provide New Member forms and upcoming program sheets to membership chair; and

d) Create and update all Club forms and provide to appropriate chair.

Article 4 – The Nominating Chair

The Nominating Chair shall create a slate of officers to stand for election at the June annual meeting. She shall notify the board of directors of those nominations at the May board meeting. She may form a committee to assist in identifying candidates.

Article 5 – Programs & Membership Directory

The board of directors shall appoint or hire someone to create, edit, and maintain a Programs and Membership Directory for distribution at the September meeting.

Article 6 – Club Website

The board of directors shall appoint or hire someone to create, edit, and maintain a website for the Club.

Article 7 – Tea Set-Up

The board of directors shall appoint or hire someone to set-up tea at Club meetings, make the tea, arrange food trays, clean up afterwards, and any other necessary related activities, and purchase supplies as needed.